"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." ~Lao Tzu~

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Belgium - Bruges

Hi Mom and Luna,

SNOW?? I had a lot of sunshine today hahaha...
But guess what I did today? We went on a trip and we needed to drive almost 2 hours.

we went to BRUGES!!!

The entrance to the city

All the city is UNESCO!!

Not sure what they are doing.  But it seems very dangerous.
They are fighting with swords just like Zelda! :P

The sun is shining woehoe!!

let me see if I can find the way...

a mailbox, but we didn't got any mail to post :(

We were getting hungry, so we needed to eat.
Let's order something!

hmmm so much to choose...

Hoegaarden: Belgium beer

Hostmom Cin is eating cheese croquettes. Mmmmm

Do you know what this is Mom? It looks like ieewww  :(
It are Belgium Mussels.

Ohh I'm full! I ate the dessert.
Chocolate mouse... ohhh my tummy!

We went to a big shop where they sell a lot of beers and other stuff.
Above Me with TinTin.

Sweet candy

Beer from Bruges called: Brugse Zot

We went to a bookstore to see if we can find a touristgide.
Did we saw everything? quick look...

They had a very BIG chair in the bookstore!


Hi Mom!!

Ok sssttttt we go inside a church now...ssssttt

Hostmom Cin has special memories with this candy.
Her grandparants gave this always to her.

Look Mom... they even got a beer with my name!
Funny isn't it?

We went inside a store where they selling Christmas-stuff all year long!

buying cards!

We think this is a kind of beguinage, but we aren't sure.
But it was very beautiful inside.

We made imaginaire snowangels just like you.  But we didn't had snow, so we made sun-angels.
Can you find me in the picture?

Me and Hostmom Cin.  I had a front row seat in her pocket all day :P

So end of the day, going home. The sun is setting (still 17 degrees, I am so lucky)
and I am getting tiered now.

This was my day 24 March 2012 visiting Bruges.

Greetings to everyone!
Sleep tight...


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